PS: Powershell To HTML
I used the following guide in learning how to setup Powershell with HTML reporting functionality.
To Resolve:
Create an object.
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$MyObject = Get-Service # or $ArrayOfObjects = ForEach ($Address in $Addresses) { New-Object -Property @{ Name = $Name Address = $Address State = $State } }
Next, lets see how it looks using the built-in HTML report:
$MyObject | ConvertTo-HTML | Out-File C:\test.htm
It looks kinda bland, let’s add some CSS:
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$Header = @" Title of my Report "@ $Pre = "Header" $Post = "Footer" $MyObject | Select 'Status','name' | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -PreContent $Pre -PostContent $Post | out-file c:\test.htm Invoke-item C:\scripts\test.htm
Looks great! Let’s see if we can add that to an email instead:
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Function Send-Email { $Mailmessage = New-Object System.Net.Mail.Mailmessage $Mailmessage.From = "Email@Domain.Com" $Mailmessage.To.Add("Email@Domain.Com") $Mailmessage.Subject = "Test" $Mailmessage.Body = $Body $Mailmessage.Isbodyhtml = $True $Smtpclient = New-Object System.Net.Mail.Smtpclient $Smtpclient.Host = "Smtpservername" $Smtpclient.Send($Mailmessage) } $Myobject = Get-Service $Header = @" Title Of My Report "@ $Pre = "Header" $Post = "Footer" $Html = $Myobject | Select 'Status','Name' | Convertto-Html -Head $Header -Precontent $Pre -Postcontent $Post $Body = $Html | Out-String Send-Email $Body
Lastly, we will download a HTML script here and tweak it to meet our needs. For example:
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# User Variables $ComputerName = "my-pc" $HTMLFile = "c:\scripts\test.htm" # Initialize HTML $htmlreport = @() $htmlbody = @() $spacer = "<br />" # Build first row Write-Verbose "Collecting computer system information" $subhead = "<h3>Computer System Information</h3>" $htmlbody += $subhead $csinfo = Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem -ComputerName $ComputerName | Select-Object Name,Manufacturer,Model, @{Name='Physical Processors';Expression={$_.NumberOfProcessors}}, @{Name='Logical Processors';Expression={$_.NumberOfLogicalProcessors}}, @{Name='Total Physical Memory (Gb)';Expression={$tpm = $_.TotalPhysicalMemory/1GB;"{0:F0}" -f $tpm}}, DnsHostName,Domain $htmlbody += $csinfo | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment $htmlbody += $spacer # Second row Write-Verbose "Collecting operating system information" $subhead = "<h3>Operating System Information</h3>" $htmlbody += $subhead $osinfo = Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem -ComputerName $ComputerName -ErrorAction STOP | Select-Object @{Name='Operating System';Expression={$_.Caption}}, @{Name='Architecture';Expression={$_.OSArchitecture}}, Version,Organization, @{Name='Install Date';Expression={ $installdate = [datetime]::ParseExact($_.InstallDate.SubString(0,8),"yyyyMMdd",$null); $installdate.ToShortDateString() }}, WindowsDirectory $htmlbody += $osinfo | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment $htmlbody += $spacer # Third Row Write-Verbose "Collecting physical memory information" $subhead = "<h3>Physical Memory Information</h3>" $htmlbody += $subhead $memorybanks = @() $physicalmemoryinfo = @(Get-WmiObject Win32_PhysicalMemory -ComputerName $ComputerName -ErrorAction STOP | Select-Object DeviceLocator,Manufacturer,Speed,Capacity) foreach ($bank in $physicalmemoryinfo) { $memObject = New-Object PSObject $memObject | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Device Locator" -Value $bank.DeviceLocator $memObject | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Manufacturer" -Value $bank.Manufacturer $memObject | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Speed" -Value $bank.Speed $memObject | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Capacity (GB)" -Value ("{0:F0}" -f $bank.Capacity/1GB) $memorybanks += $memObject } $htmlbody += $memorybanks | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment $htmlbody += $spacer # End of Headings, you get the point. # HTML report Write-Verbose "Producing HTML report" $reportime = Get-Date #Common HTML head and styles $htmlhead="<html> <img src="" data-wp-preserve="%3Cstyle%3E%0D%0ABODY%7Bfont-family%3A%20Arial%3B%20font-size%3A%208pt%3B%7D%0D%0AH1%7Bfont-size%3A%2020px%3B%7D%0D%0AH2%7Bfont-size%3A%2018px%3B%7D%0D%0AH3%7Bfont-size%3A%2016px%3B%7D%0D%0ATABLE%7Bborder%3A%201px%20solid%20black%3B%20border-collapse%3A%20collapse%3B%20font-size%3A%208pt%3B%7D%0D%0ATH%7Bborder%3A%201px%20solid%20black%3B%" data-mce-resize="false" data-mce-placeholder="1" class="mce-object" width="20" height="20" alt="<style>" title="<style>" /> <body> <h1 align=""center"">Server Info: $ComputerName</h1> <h3 align=""center"">Generated: $reportime</h3>" $htmltail = "</body></html>" $htmlreport = $htmlhead + $htmlbody + $htmltail $htmlreport | Out-File $htmlfile -Encoding Utf8 Invoke-Item C:\scripts\test.htm <# To center the report, just change: <img src="" data-wp-preserve="%3Cstyle%3E%0D%0ATABLE%20%7Bborder-width%3A%201px%3Bborder-style%3A%20solid%3Bborder-color%3A%20black%3Bborder-collapse%3A%20collapse%3Bmargin-left%3A%20auto%3B%20margin-right%3A%20auto%3B%20width%3A%20100px%3B%20text-align%3A%20center%3B%7D%0D%0ATH%20%7Bborder-width%3A%201px%3Bpadding%3A%203px%3Bborder-style%3A%20solid%3Bborder-color%3A%20black%3Bbackground-color%3A%20%236495ED%3B%7D%0D%0ATD%20%7Bborder-width%3A%201px%3Bpadding%3A%203px%3Bborder-style%3A%20solid%3Bborder-color%3A%20black%3B%7D%0D%0ATR%3ANth-Child(Even)%20%7BBackground-Color%3A%20%23dddddd%3B%7D%0D%0ATR%3ANth-Child(odd)%20%7BBackground-Color%3A%20%23ffffff%3B%7D%0D%0ATR%3AHover%20TD%20%7BBackground-Color%3A%20%23C1D5F8%3B%7D%0D%0AH3%20%7Btext-align%3A%20center%3B%7D%0D%0A%3C%2Fstyle%3E" data-mce-resize="false" data-mce-placeholder="1" class="mce-object" width="20" height="20" alt="<style>" title="<style>" /> #>
This should be enough to get you started. From here, it’s all about switching out information and learning up on HTML/CSS.