Linux Live CDs

1 minute read


Not sure why it took me so long to post this but one of my favorite things to do in the pre-boot environment is to launch linux live CD’s.

To Resolve:

  1. First, from within Windows download Xboot.

  2. Next, download your favorite ISO’s to load on there:

    • I recommend Hirens Boot CD => To reset Windows passwords, boot and nuke, etc.

    • Almost any Linux distro you want will have a “Live CD” environment where it loads to a desktop where you can browse your Windows disk. This can be the pre-stage for the Sticky keys trick or just a way to get data from a Windows drive. I recommend TailsOS for security.

    • This is also a chance to load your backup software “boot disk” that many come with. For example, Paragon has this one.

  3. From here you can create an “iso image” that you can then use later or go straight to USB. If you choose the iso for later, you can use tools such as Rufus or Yumi to boot your computer from.

  4. In order to boot from a USB, you usually have to press F12 on boot or whatever “One time boot menu” shortcut the hardware vendor implements. It’s F12 for Dell computers.
