MDT2013 With WDS
The following guide can be used when you used MDT 2013 and WDS to deploy images.
To Resolve:
Download/install software. See WDS with MDT.
Open up Deployment Workbench and create default deployment share unchecking all default options.
Create a local user that will be used to access the share.
Back in Deployment Workbench, right click the deployment share and go to “Properties”
Under the rules section, add this at the end of [Default] section:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
SkipComputerName=YES SkipDomainMembership=YES SkipUserData=YES SkipCapture=YES DoCapture=NO SkipLocaleSelection=YES SkipTaskSequence=NO SkipApplications=YES SkipSummary=YES SkipBDDWelcome=YES TimeZone=020 TimeZoneName=Central Standard Time
Now click on “Edit Bootstrap.ini” button and add the following under [Default]:
1 2 3 4 5
UserID=MDT UserDomain=WORKGROUP UserPassword=P@ssw0rd01 KeyboardLocale=en-US SkipBDDWelcome=YES
Next mount and import your WMI from an iso or a CD in the the drive. Delete the images not needed then rename the one leftover to make it clean. Ex: WS20132r2Datacenter.
Right click => Task Sequence => New Task Sequence => Name: Deploy-WS2012 => Next => Choose “Standard Server Task Sequence” => Fill out Wizard info until Finish
- Now, right click on the Task Sequence and go to Properties. Go to the State Restore => Windows Updates section. Click on Options => Uncheck the disable task option. Do the same thing for Windows updates two nodes down.
- UPDATE: Follow this guide to install a couple downloadable updates to make imaging much faster and keep these steps disabled!
- Optionally (and highly recommended), the default Microsoft Solutions Accelerator background can be replaced by using an identically sized and bit depth BMP file in the following location:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Deployment Toolkit\Samples\Background.bmp
Lastly, we package everything up into a Lite Touch ISO for booting. Right click the Deployment Share and select “Update Deployment Share”
- From here you can add the file to WDS for deployment. Just open WDS => Boot Images => Add the LiteTouch.iso file created from the preivous steps.
- Using this method, there is only one question asked during deployment. You can skip task sequences to deploy your own by creating your own tasks sequence and then adding the following in the bootstrap.ini file:
- SkipTaskSequence=YES
- TaskSequenceID=DEPLOY-WS2012R2
“Installing and Configuring Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) 2013 on Windows Server 2012 R2”