Shell Scripting Overview

less than 1 minute read


Shell scripting is the equivalent of using batch scripts in Windows, but for Linux. To begin, you should get familiar with Linux commands.

Try visiting here, here, and here then moving on to further readings. Try reading this for more actual scripting after learning the basics. My last couple jobs have been primarily Windows networks so I haven’t gotten too far into Linux beyond simple bash scripts.

  1. Most scripts follow these rules

    • Always start with #!/bin/bash
    • Script code
    • End with done
    • chmod 755 (script filename)
    • ./(script filename)
    • If the script references any files like somefilename.txt, make sure they are in the same directory else use full path
  2. To create a text file using Nano:

    • vi (filename.extension)
    • Type text
    • Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + O
    • Keyboard key: Enter
    • Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + X
  3. To create a file using vi:

    • vi (filename.extension)
    • Keyboard shortcut: i #this is insert mode, type your text in here.
    • Keyboard shortcut: ESC #tap this once to enter command mode.
    • Keyboard shortcut: :wq! #this saves and exits. use :q to quit without saving changes. Use :x! to force changes.


