The “Shell” Command

4 minute read


Use these shortcuts to navigate through Windows. You use by typing: Run => (command)

ex: Run => shell:downloads => I have to use this one often to help people find their downloads folder because they don’t know where it is.

Folders from Current User Profile:

shell:Profile => User Profile folder of logged-on user

shell:UsersFilesFolder => Same as shell:profile

shell:Personal => Documents folder from profile of logged-on user

shell:My Music => Music folder from profile of logged-on user

shell:My Pictures => Pictures folder from profile of logged-on user

shell:My Video => Videos folder from profile of logged-on user

shell:Contacts => Contacts folder from profile of logged-on user (deprecated)

shell:Desktop => Desktop folder from profile of logged-on user

shell:Downloads => Downloads folder from profile of logged-on user

shell:Favorites => Internet Explorer Favorites folder from profile of logged-on user

shell:Searches => Searches folder from profile of logged-on user; contains saved searches

shell:Links => Links folder from profile of logged-on user; contains shortcuts from Favorites node in Windows Explorer navigation pane

shell:Start Menu => Start Menu folder from profile of logged-on user

shell:Startup => Startup folder from profile of logged-on user

shell:Programs => Start MenuPrograms folder from profile of logged-on user

shell:Quick Launch => Quick Launch folder from profile of logged-on user

shell:Recent => Recent folder from profile of logged-on user

shell:SendTo => Send To folder from profile of logged-on user

shell:User Pinned => All shortcuts that have been pinned to the Taskbar and Start Menu by the currently logged-on user

shell:ImplicitAppShortcuts => In User Pinned folder, contains shortcuts to system-managed Start Menu items, including Control Panel, Help and Support, and auto-published applications from Windows Virtual PC

shell:GameTasks => Custom Games Explorer shortcuts for logged-on user

shell:Administrative Tools => Administrative Tools subfolder from Start MenuAll Programs

shell:Ringtones => Ringtones folder stores custom files created by Windows ringtone editor using a compatible phone in Device Stage

shell:Templates => Templates folder from profile of logged-on user (rarely used)

shell:Gadgets => User-installed Windows Gadgets, including those that have been removed from the desktop but are still available

shell:Playlists => Playlists subfolder, in Music folder from profile of logged-on user

shell:PrintHood => User-created printer shortcuts

shell:CD Burning => Burn folder, used to store temp files before burning to disc

Folders from Public User Profile:

shell:Public => Public User Profile folder

shell:Common Desktop => PublicDesktop folder

shell:Common Documents => PublicDocuments folder

shell:CommonDownloads => PublicDownloads folder

shell:CommonMusic => PublicMusic folder

shell:CommonPictures => PublicPictures folder

shell:CommonVideo => PublicVideos folder

shell:SampleMusic => Sample Music folder (by default in PublicMusic folder)

shell:SamplePictures => Sample Pictures folder (by default in PublicPictures folder)

shell:SampleVideos => Sample Videos folder (by default in PublicVideos folder)

Internet Explorer and Security:

shell:Cache => Internet Explorer Cache (aka Temporary Internet Files)

shell:Cookies => Internet Explorer Cookies (open Low subfolder to see cookies for sites with Low Integrity Level)

shell:History => Internet Explorer History

shell:SystemCertificates => Signed copies of digital certificates for system; use Certificate Manager to view details and add or remove certificates

shell:CryptoKeys => Crypto folder, stores machine keys

shell:dpapiKeys => Protect folder, holds user keys for data encryption, including Encrypting File System

shell:CredentialManager => Credentials folder

Virtual Folders:

shell:MyComputerFolder => Opens Computer Folder

shell:RecycleBinFolder => Opens Recycle Bin

shell:Fonts => Settings for installed fonts and font families

shell:Games => Opens Games Explorer

shell:Libraries => Displays contents of Libraries node in Windows Explorer

shell:UsersLibrariesFolder => Same as shell:Libraries

shell:DocumentsLibrary => Opens default Documents library

shell:MusicLibrary => Opens default Music library

shell:PicturesLibrary => Opens default Pictures library

shell:VideosLibrary => Opens default Videos library

Shell:HomeGroupFolder => Displays contents of Homegroup node in Windows Explorer

shell:NetworkPlacesFolder => Displays contents of Network node in Windows Explorer

shell:NetHood => User-created network shortcuts

shell:ConnectionsFolder => Network Connections

shell:PrintersFolder => Printers and Faxes

shell:AppUpdatesFolder => Installed Updates, including those delivered by Windows Update and Microsoft Update

shell:CSCFolder => Offline Files folder

shell:SearchHomeFolder => Opens Search Results window with focus in search box (same as pressing Windows logo key+F)

Control Panel Folders:

shell:ControlPanelFolder => Opens Control Panel and displays All Control Panel Items (icon view)

shell:AddNewProgramsFolder => Install a program from a network location on a managed Windows network

shell:ChangeRemoveProgramsFolder => Programs and Features folder

shell:SyncCenterFolder => Sync Center, used mostly with Offline Files and Windows Mobile Device Center

shell:SyncSetupFolder => Sync CenterSync Setup

shell:SyncResultsFolder => Sync CenterSync Results

shell:ConflictFolder => Sync CenterConflicts

shell:InternetFolder => Opens 32-bit Internet Explorer

System Folders:

shell:Windows => Windows installation folder

shell:System => Windows\System32 folder

shell:SystemX86 => On 64-bit Windows systems only, opens WindowsSysWOW64

shell:UserProfiles => Users folder, which contains profiles for all local users and a Public profile

shell:ProgramFiles => Program Files folder

shell:ProgramFilesX86 => On 64-bit Windows systems only, opens Program Files (x86) folder, which stores 32-bit programs

shell:ProgramFilesX64 => On 64-bit Windows systems only, opens Program Files folder

shell:ProgramFilesCommon => Program FilesCommon Files folder

shell:ProgramFilesCommonX86 => On 64-bit Windows systems only, opens Program Files (x86)Common Files folder

shell:ProgramFilesCommonX64 => On 64-bit Windows systems only, opens Program FilesCommon Files

Application Data:

shell:AppData => Roaming Application Data folder from profile of logged-on user

shell:Local AppData => Local Application Data folder from profile of logged-on user

shell:LocalAppDataLow => User Local Application Data (Low Integrity Level) folder from profile of logged-on user

Per-machine Folders: **

shell:Common AppData => ProgramData folder, which holds global settings saved by applications

shell:Common Start Menu => Start Menu folder, containing shortcuts and subfolders for all users

shell:Common Programs => Start Menu Programs for all users

shell:Common Startup => Startup folder for all users

shell:Default Gadgets => Default Windows Gadgets

shell:ResourceDir => Resources folder, which contains Windows themes, including Aero and ease-of-access themes

shell:CommonRingtones => Stores default ringtones for use with Windows ringtone editor using a compatible phone in Device Stage

shell:PublicGameTasks => Custom Games Explorer shortcuts for all users

shell:Common Templates => Templates folder for all users; rarely used

shell:device Metadata Store => DeviceMetadataStore folder, which contains digitally signed files, downloaded from Microsoft, with icons and custom settings for Device Stage items


