PS: Chocolatey
To add on to my previous post here, I wanted to find a way to revise my install scripts for faster automation of Windows 10 installs. I know I should be using WDS with MDT and have configured in my homelab, but in the power of self learning => I just wanted to see what I could do with Powershell alone with the OEM image (I know, bring on the down votes!)
To Resolve:
First, I execute the following two statements manually in a Powershell admin prompt:
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Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted # We will change this back to remoteSigned once this is over. iwr -UseBasicParsing | iex
#After it installs, it will tell you that you should probably exit out of your script and start a new one, so I do that. Here is the .ps1 I run as admin afterwards:
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Import-Module PackageManagement Install-PackageProvider NuGet -MinimumVersion '' -Force Install-PackageProvider Chocolatey Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Trusted # Install Packages choco install googlechrome --confirm --limitoutput choco install flashplayeractivex --confirm --limitoutput choco install flashplayerplugin --confirm --limitoutput choco install 7zip.install --confirm --limitoutput choco install adobeair --confirm --limitoutput choco install jre8 --confirm --limitoutput choco install dotnet3.5 --confirm --limitoutput # choco install adobereader -y # choco install adobereader-update -y <# For my computer choco install python2 -y choco install bleachbit -y choco install notepadplusplus.install -y choco install atom -y choco install firefox -y choco install vim -y Set-Alias vim -Value "C:\Program Files (x86)\vim\vim80\gvim.exe" choco install procexp -y choco install putty -y choco install virtualbox -y choco install winscp.install -y choco install sysinternals -y #>
Adobe reader wasn’t working when I tried this so I just manually went to and installed. It still got most of the software. Now, all I have to do is run “cup all” from an admin PS Prompt to update each of these “packages”.
Source is maintained under gwApplications