Show All Users At Sign In

less than 1 minute read


Follow these steps to have Windows show all available users at the login screen instead of the previous user who was logged on.

To Resolve:

  1. Open Regedit and go to: HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI\UserSwitch Change: Enabled to 1

  2. Problem with this is the user SYSTEM automatically changes the value to 0, so we need to block it:

    • Now right click on UserSwitch key itself and click on Advanced => Disable Inheritence => Convert inherited permissions into explicit ones for this object.
    • Now, change the “Owner” at the top to Administrators.
    • Now go to permissions and set Administrators => Allow => Full Control
    • In the same box, select System => Show Advanced Permissions and check all DENY’s except “Check Value”


