PS: Connecting To VPNs In W10
So after reimaging my machine at work, I looked into a way I could setup my VPN using powershell. Here is how assuming you are using L2TP with a pre-shared key.
To Resolve:
Copy and save as a .ps1 file in notepad:
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$VpnName = "Datacenter" $Pre = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter Preshared Key" $VPN = Add-Vpnconnection -Name $VpnName -Serveraddress "" -Tunneltype L2tp ` -Encryptionlevel Required -Authenticationmethod Mschapv2 -L2tppsk $Pre -Remembercredential -Passthru Start-Sleep 3 Write-Output "Setting Registry Entry For L2TP VPNs" $Registrypath = "Hklm:\System\Currentcontrolset\Services\Policyagent" $Name = "AssumeUDPEncapsulationContextOnSendRule" $Value = "2" If (!(Test-Path $Registrypath)) { New-Item -Path $Registrypath -Force | Out-Null } New-Itemproperty -Path $Registrypath -Name $Name -Value $Value -Propertytype Dword -Force | Out-Null If ($Vpn.Connectionstatus -Eq "Disconnected") { $Password = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter User Password For VPN" Cmd /c "Rasdial $VpnName\yourUserName $Password" Start-Sleep 3 # Connect To Any Machine On The Destination Network If ( Test-Netconnection -Informationlevel Quiet) { Write-Output "Connected To Vpn" } Else { Write-Output "Not Connected To Vpn" } $Input = Read-Host "Would You Like To Disconnect The Vpn? (Y)Yes Or (N)No" If ($Input -Eq 'Y') { Cmd /c "Rasdial /Disconnect" } Else { Exit } }