PS: Calculating Dates
It is common to need to compare dates or do date calculations in Powershell. The following is how I would go about it:
To Resolve:
This is used in my Credit Balance script:
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# Generate all paydays for the year [DateTime] $StartDate = "2018-01-05" [Int]$DaysToSkip = 14 [DateTime]$EndDate = "2018-12-31" $Arr = @() while ($StartDate -le $EndDate) { $Arr += $StartDate $StartDate = $StartDate.AddDays($DaysToSkip) } # Remove all paydays that have passed and place remaining in new array $NewArr = @() ForEach ($Ar in $Arr) { $s = (Get-Date) $e = $Ar $Difference = New-TimeSpan -Start $s -End $e If ( $Difference -ge 1) { $NewArr += $Ar } } # Select the first one $ClosestPayday = $NewArr[0].ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") # Calculate how many days from now until payday $Span = New-TimeSpan -Start (Get-Date) -End $NewArr[0] # Round up one because there is always a whole number and some change $DaysTilPayday = ($Span.Days + 1).ToString()
What do you do if you want to calculate a certain day of the month though? That doesn’t always line up to every 30 days. Well, I did some research and this is how I would do “Calculate how many days until the 5th of the month:
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$CurrentMonth = $((Get-Date).Month) $CurrentDay = $((Get-Date).Day) [datetime]$Date = Get-Date -Month $CurrentMonth -Day $CurrentDay $ThisFifth = Get-Date -Month $CurrentMonth -Day 5 If ($CurrentMonth -eq 12) { $CurrentMonthPlusOne = 1 } Else { $CurrentMonthPlusOne = $($Date.Month) + 1 } [Datetime]$NextFifth = Get-Date -Month $CurrentMonthPlusOne -Day 5 $CurrentYearPlusOne = $($Date.Year) + 1 [Datetime]$NextFifthIfDecember = Get-Date -Month 1 -Day 5 -Year $CurrentYearPlusOne $Span = New-TimeSpan -Start $Date -End $ThisFifth If ($Span.Days.tostring().startswith('-')) { If ($CurrentMonth -eq 12) { $Span = New-TimeSpan -Start $Date -End $NextFifthIfDecember } Else { $Span = New-TimeSpan -Start $Date -End $NextFifth } } Else { If ($CurrentMonth -eq 12) { $Span = New-TimeSpan -Start $Date -End $NextFifthIfDecember } Else { # Do nothing as the date is already correct } } Write-Output "The fifth is $($Span.Days) days away!"