PS: Lock Computer And Turn Off Monitors
There is a pretty known way to lock your computer using the user32.dll, but what isn’t as easy to find is a way to turn off your monitors as well. Sometimes, like when I’m done for the day on my home computer, I want to lock it AND turn off my screens.
To Resolve:
There are two main options, one is a Powershell Script and the other is using NirCmd.exe. Both are free and pretty easy to configure. The Powershell script:
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Add-Type -TypeDefinition ' using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace Utilities { public static class Display { [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] private static extern IntPtr SendMessage( IntPtr hWnd, UInt32 Msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam ); public static void PowerOff () { SendMessage( (IntPtr)0xffff, // HWND_BROADCAST 0x0112, // WM_SYSCOMMAND (IntPtr)0xf170, // SC_MONITORPOWER (IntPtr)0x0002 // POWER_OFF ); } } } ' "%windir%\system32\rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation" [Utilities.Display]::PowerOff()
The nircmd.exe way: Create shortcut, edit target:
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# Wait two seconds and turn off the computer monitor. "C:\path\to\nircmd.exe" cmdwait 2000 monitor off # Optional: Assign hotkey, change icon to lock, place in taskbar