Realm AD Group Sudo Access
So with SSSD on RHEL boxes, one thing we want to do is use Active Directory groups on linux machines. This is how you can do this:
NOTE: For this to work, users in AD must have a “uidNumber” and a “gidNumber” assigned. These can be viewed on “Attributes” tab in the AD User object and the AD Group Object which only has a gidNumber.
To Resolve:
Create AD Group
Assign gidnumber to the group
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$group = mygroup # Set a new GID value $properties = @{ 'LDAPFilter' = "(&(objectCategory=group)(gidNumber=*))" 'SearchBase' = 'OU=blah,DC=domain,DC=com' 'Properties' = 'gidNumber' } $groups = Get-ADObject @Properties| Select-Object @{Name = "DN"; Expression = {$_.DistinguishedName}}, @{Name = "gid"; Expression = {$_.gidNumber}} $lastgid = ($groups | Sort-Object -Property gid | select -Last 1).gid $newVal = $lastgid + 1 If ($newVal.tostring().length -eq 10) { Write-Output "New gid Number: $newval" } Else { "unable to find a value for new gid" } Get-ADGroup $group | Set-ADGroup -Add @{ gidNumber = $newval }
Edit /etc/sudoers to allow them under wheel
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# Uncommment to allow people in group wheel to run all commands # %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL %test-group ALL=(ALL) ALL
Add user to that group in AD
Upon removing user from group, they will not have sudo access.
Any time you make a change to group membership in AD for linux servers, you must run
sss_cache -E; service sssd stop ; rm -rf /var/lib/sss/db/* ; service sssd start
on the servers you want the users to access for it to take effect.