Notes on Git

2 minute read


So I have been using git for awhile now, but I still don’t really know how it works. Here is my initial post with it. Here is some light reading you (or I can do to be more familiar with it):

To Resolve

  1. See here for common git workflows

  2. Here are different git commands:

    git clone (url) - copies a repo locally
    git add (flename) - Used to add files to commit.
    git diff - shows differences
    git commit -m "message" - actually makes a save
    git commit -am "message" - adds and commits
    git status - most used command; shows info about git in current directory
    git push (repo name if needed)
    git pull - updates your version
    merge conflict - correct and commit again
    git log - shows log of commits
    git reset --hard <commit> - Reverts back
    git reset --hard (Repo name like - origin/master) - Reverts back to last pull.
    git branch <branch name>
    git checkout <branch name> - switches to that new branch
    git checkout -b  - creates a new branch and moves over to it.
    git merge <branch_name> - branches that branch with current branch
  3. Something I have been fighting with recently is that Vscode ignores linux git settings you set if you have WSL enabled. So I would set the global and local configs like mentioned below and vscode would ignore them. I ended up doing the steps in my Github post and installing GCM which then allowed me to push/pull often without entering credentials.

  4. Git has three levels of settings:

    • system settings can be found by running git config --system --list
      • These settings can be found by running: git config --system --show-origin --list
    • global settings can be found by running git config --global --list
      • These settings can be found by running: git config --global --show-origin --list
    • local settings can be found by running git config --local --list but the trick here is you HAVE to be inside of any repo folder (any folder you previously ran git init in) where it stores its settings inside a hidden folder called .git in a file called config.
      • These settings can be found by running: git config --local --show-origin --list
    • If you just run cd to any folder that is is a git repo and then type git config -l or git config --list, it will show a mixture of all git settings for that repo.
  5. Operations to add,remove, and modify:

    • To change something, just type its current name and a new value, for example git config --local will overwrite whatever used to be inside the local repo.
    • To remove a value completely, type git config --global --unset help.format replace global with system or local as needed. Keep in mind on Windows you will need to run Powershell as administrator to change system git settings since they are located in a system directory.
    • To add it back, type git config --global help.format html. Syntax is essentially git config --global|local|system value
