Systemd Path Monitor Folder
So I needed an event based way to monitor /csv
for specific csv file patterns. For this example, the pattern the application writes is dataset_1.csv
where the number increments on the end. Here is how I set RHEL 7 to run a script every time a file was written matching /csv/dataset_*.csv
To Resolve:
vi /usr/local/bin/csv.ps1
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#!/usr/bin/env pwsh $date = Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd-HH:mm:ss" write-output "$date : new file" > /home/myuser/new-file.txt
- Now test run
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chmod +x /usr/local/bin/csv.ps1 ./csv.ps1 cat /home/myuser/new-file.txt # 2020-06-05-12:00:49 : new file
Configure a new service and have it run that script when a pattern is found:
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cd /etc/systemd/system touch monitorcsv.service vi monitorcsv.service [Unit] Description="Monitor csv directory" [Service] ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/csv.ps1 touch monitorcsv.path vi monitorcsv.path [Unit] Description="Monitor the /csv for changes" [Path] PathExistsGlob=/csv/dataset*.csv Unit=monitorcsv.service [Install] systemd-analyze verify /etc/systemd/system/monitorcsv.* # gave errors for other services but not the one I created? Moving on... sudo systemctl start monitorcsv.path # Now, we see if it is working... rm /home/myuser/new-file.txt ll /csv/ # no dataset*.csv files touch /csv/dataset_12.csv cat /home/myuser/new-file.txt # 2020-06-05-12:12:20 : new file # Sweet! Lets see if it fires if we move the csv - it doesn't write cat /home/myuser/new-file.txt 2020-06-05-12:17:25 : new file mv /csv/dataset_12.csv /csv/processed/dataset_12.csv cat /home/myuser/new-file.txt 2020-06-05-12:17:25 : new file # exactly what we wanted, it doesn't fire because we moved a file from that directory to another
Post config
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# run on startup systemctl enable monitorcsv.path # troubleshooting (if needed) systemctl status monitorcsv.path journalctl -u monitorcsv.path