Terraform: Remove Invalid Attribute From Statefile

2 minute read


In this post, I will cover something I recently found out where I had removed an invalid attribute for a resource in a statefile as part of my terraform upgrades. So let’s say I have a storage account I’m trying to upgrade and it is giving me issues. I can download the statefile and then run terraform state show 'module.myStorage.azurerm_storage_account.storage' and I get:

unsupported attribute "allow_blob_public_access"
# module.myStorage.azurerm_storage_account.storage:
resource "azurerm_storage_account" "storage" {

If I go in the line in the statefile and delete the line "allow_blob_public_access": false, under the resource and re-run that command I then get a full valid json output. Initially this came up because I was trying to upgrade a storage account from an old version of a module to a newer version but instead of updating in-place like I expected, it kept saying that storage account blah has been deleted and then storage account blah will be created in the terraform plan. I don’t get it, in that same plan it reads in the storage account with the exact ID of the resource in Azure…

NOTE: This should almost never be used as I don’t know the full implications but messing with the statefile is usually not the right answer. You have been warned!

To Resolve:

  1. Anyways, here are the steps to remove an attribute in your statefile if that even fixes anything:

    • TLDR
    # download statefile, cd to dir
    terraform state pull | sc 1.json
    # open 1.json, delete your attribute from your resource, increment the serial at the top by 1, save and exit
    terraform state push 1.json
    # rename to terraform.tfstate
    # upload back to storage account
  2. First, download your statefile from your storage account

  3. Next, open powershell and cd to the directory and do a terraform state pull | sc 1.json

    • NOTE that you cannot do terraform state pull > state.json on Windows like you see in many examples because Windows will set the BOM incorrectly and you will have issues reimporting the state.

    • Example:

    PS > terraform state pull > state.json
    PS > terraform state push state.json
    Error reading source state "state.json": 2 problems:
    - Unsupported state file format: The state file could not be parsed as JSON: syntax error at byte offset 1.
    - Unsupported state file format: The state file does not have a "version" attribute, which is required to identify the format version.
    • But using Set-Content works fine on Windows
    PS > terraform state pull | sc 1.json
    PS > terraform state push 1.json
  4. Anyways, now that we have 1.json, we can do a Ctrl+F for our module.myStorage and find the one of type Microsoft.StorageAccounts or whatever the type name is, and then delete the offending attribute. In our case it was "allow_blob_public_access": false, .

  5. Next, at the top of the statefile you need to increment the serial attribute by one: (ex “serial”: 21, -> “serial”: 22,)

  6. Now save and exit your json file. Next you will push it back: terraform state push 1.json

  7. Now just rename the file to whatever.tfstate or in my case, many blobs in azure have no extensions, so just rename to tfstate or whatever and then upload back. What I like to do is upload back as a new blob and then in my terraform code just change the statefile to point to the new blob instead of the old one. This leaves a clear fallback if needed.


  1. link

  2. link

  3. link
