Unable To Update Theme

2 minute read


So I practice the use of version pinning which is pretty common in my line of work and one of the things you need to do periodically is update your git tags to the next to latest version of your upstream source. Well the issue I’ve been having lately that I haven’t looked in to yet is my upstream theme source for this blog.

When I update to any version past 4.15.5 which is what I’m currently pinned to I get the following text at the top of my home page:

"", "avatar"=>"/assets/images/gerryw.png", "bio"=>"", "links"=>[{"label"=>"GitHub", "icon"=>"fab fa-fw fa-github", "url"=>"https://github.com/gerryw1389"}, {"label"=>"Reddit", "icon"=>"fab fa-reddit-alien", "url"=>"https://www.reddit.com/user/gerryw1389/"}, {"label"=>"Popular Posts", "icon"=>"fas fa-fw fa-link", "url"=>"https://automationadmin.com/2016/02/popular-posts"}, {"label"=>"Bookmarks", "icon"=>"fas fa-bookmark", "url"=>"https://automationadmin.com/2016/02/bookmarks"}]}">

All other pages like ‘About’ and even individual posts don’t have this issue.

To Resolve:

  1. One of the first steps to troubleshooting blog issues is to see what happens when you try locally, so I ran these commands:

    cd blog/dir
    gem update
    #delete Gemfile.lock
    bundle install
    bundle update --bundler
    bundle exec jekyll serve
  2. I don’t remember if it was here or not but I got this output at some point:

    ekyll Feed: Generating feed for posts
    ^C  Liquid Exception: Could not locate the included file 'author-profile.html' in any of ["/mnt/c/_gwill/repo-home/h1website/_includes", "/tmp/jekyll-remote-theme-20230217-4507-1202n68/_includes"]. Ensure it exists in one of those directories and is not a symlink as those are not 
    allowed in safe mode. in /_layouts/single.html
                Error: Could not locate the included file 'author-profile.html' in any of ["/mnt/c/_gwill/repo-home/h1website/_includes", "/tmp/jekyll-remote-theme-20230217-4507-1202n68/_includes"]. Ensure it exists in one of those directories and is not a symlink as those are not allowed in safe mode.
                Error: Run jekyll build --trace for more information.
  3. All I know is I searched the upstream repo for:

    • The next release up
    • So the problem is between commit 5ab086cb4c8cbcfaaa74fe42295d93ed579ea448 which was the v4.16.6 and commit 6311da0b1623a19fa81d92f428f017bb0c1a386b which was the v4.16.5 release.
    • Looking at the change log, he mentions:
    • “Fix site.url in Organization/Person JSON-LD schema.” - but when I look at that issue, I’m unable to discern how that relates to my blog.
    • But I’m not sure which of these changed what. Need to look into this at some point. I’m fine pinned to this version for now though.
    • It very well may be one of the other issues that was fixed. All I know is upgrading to any version past this one causes the issue even if I go to the latest release today which is v4.24.0
  4. Update 2023-11: I found the fix for this, it was simply to set the name or bio setting in _config.yml. Once I did this, the issue went away:

    # Site Author
    name: "gerryw1389"
    avatar: "/assets/images/gerryw.png"
    bio: "Experienced Cloud Engineer"
