less than 1 minute read


Follow these steps to install RSAT (Remote Server Administration Tools) for Windows 7.

To Resolve:

  1. Download RSAT (Remote Server Administrative Tools) for Windows 7 from (search engine: “rsat Windows 7 download”).

  2. Run => CMD => Windows6.1-KB958830-x64.msu /quiet

  3. Reboot => Run => appwiz.cpl => Install Features => Check the boxes for what you want to install remotely.


  1. On the server(s) you want to control remotely, open up server manager => Configure server manager remote management => Check the box.


  1. My computer is on the domain, but I am not logged in as the domain admin. In order run RSAT, I had to modify the target path to run as the domain admin:

    • Start => Administrative Tools => Server Manager => Right Click Properties => Target: C:\Windows\System32\runas.exe / 'mmc %SystemRoot%\system32\ServerManager.msc /'
  2. Now I just open up Server Manager => It prompts for domain admin password, then it launches Server Manager. I then Right Click “Server Manager” => Connect to a remote computer => “ComputerName” => and it connects!

  3. You will have to do step 5 for each tool you installed. You will modify the %SystemRoot%\system32\ServerManager.msc to point to that modules path.
