Virus Dumping Files
If you have a virus that is actively dumping files, try this to delete the temp files and isolate the service that is dumping them.
To Resolve:
Find out where the files are being dumped into. Run “Folder Size Viewer” tools like “Windirstat” to find bloated directories.
If you can, try and determine which process is dumping the files and kill it. Many times they take over the
service, try these steps to determine the service running the instance:- Run => cmd =>
tasklist /svc /fi "imagename eq svchost.exe"
- Match the PID by the one listed in “Process Explorer” or “Task Manager”.
- You can further troubleshoot by picking a likely candidate and run the following from an elevated CMD window:
sc config Dcomlaunch type=own
(where Dcomlaunch is the name of the service.) - Reboot the computer.
- After running virus tools, run this command to revert changes:
sc config Dcomlaunch type= share
(where Dcomlaunch is the name of the problematic service.)
- Run => cmd =>
- Now use the Command Prompt to clean up the directory:
- For a single directory: Run => cmd =>
cd c:\some\path
=>del /f /q /s *.* > nul
- For a recursive cleanup: Run => cmd =>
1 2 3 4
mkdir c:\empty robocopy c:\emptyfolder c:\deletefolder /purge rmdir c:\deletefolder rmdir c:\empty
- What the task above does is uses Robocopy to overwrite a destination folder with a blank source folder which will overwrite all files and folders in
without confirmations. When done, you have two blank folders which it then deletes.
- For a single directory: Run => cmd =>
- Launch multiple virus scanners at the same time to scan for infections.