Security Warning When Opening File From Network Share

less than 1 minute read


So like most people, I don’t store anything important on my local computer and have a Linux samba share where I store all my important stuff that I have mapped to my computer for file manipulations. This works fine from Linux to Windows, but I couldn’t get Windows to shut up about Open File Security Warning every time I tried to open something. Thankfully, this exact situation has already been addressed and answered:

To Resolve:

  1. Run => inetcpl.cpl => Tools => Internet Options => Security tab => Local Intranet => Sites:

    • Check “automatically detect intranet network”
    • Go to Advanced => Add
    • In the text box type: file://computername or or whatever the IP is of the server.
    • Add => Close => OK => OK.


“Security warning when opening file from network share”
